How to Choose Your Chiropractor?

hands holding a wooden heart
Chiropractic care involves many different techniques, and it can be hard to know how to choose your chiropractor. After all, your chiropractor will be physically performing adjustments on you with the goal of helping you reach optimal health. For that reason alone, you need a chiropractor you can trust, get along with well, and feel comfortable with as they work with you. In this post, we’ll look at how to choose your chiropractor using a simple, 3-step process. You’ll find some questions you can ask, expectations to have, and warning signs to watch out for. Read on to learn…

Choosing Your Chiropractor in Chattanooga, TN

You could be looking for a chiropractor for 2 reasons. Either you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, or you’re interested in maintaining optimal health. You may find yourself getting sick often, with no obvious cause. Or, you may have had an injury. Here’s how to choose your chiropractor – one you’ll be able to work with for the duration of your treatment.

Step 1: Get Recommendations

Do you have a primary care doctor, or are you in physical therapy for an injury? If so, ask them to recommend a chiropractor they trust and respect. Ideally, they’ll send you to a chiropractor who they’d trust with their family’s care. You can even tell them that’s the kind of chiropractor you’re looking for. In addition, chances are high that your friends and family can recommend a good chiropractor. However, you should ask questions to make sure their “good chiropractor” matches up with your definition. You have specific needs. Knowing how to choose your chiropractor according to those needs is key. When you get multiple recommendations for the same chiropractor, take notice. That individual is likely a good choice to move on to your next step: research.

Step 2: Research Potential Choices

You’re looking for 2 things: past history of disciplinary actions, and graduation from an accredited chiropractic college. For disciplinary history, check your state’s Chiropractic Regulation & Licensing Board website. When you have a list of squeaky-clean candidates, move on to the interview.

Step 3: Conduct an Interview

It may be tempting to simply jump into long-term treatment with one of your choices. However, that may be a bad idea. If you’re incompatible with a chiropractor’s style of treatment, reaching optimal health may be harder. First, talk to each chiropractor over the phone (if possible) or during a consultation (preferred). Then, ask a pre-determined list of questions to find out what the chiropractor’s philosophy of care is. Discover what techniques they use. Ask for testimonials from current patients, if available. Remember: feeling comfortable with your chiropractic care provider is essential. Take note of everything, even items as simple as an uncomfortable waiting area.

Here’s a list of questions you may seek answers for:

  • Is the chiropractor friendly?
  • How courteous is the chiropractor and staff?
  • Can I feel comfortable talking about my health with them?
  • Do they give me a “bad feeling?”
  • Will they answer every question I ask to my satisfaction?
  • Do they let me finish explaining my symptoms and preferences before beginning treatment?
  • How many years of established experience does the chiropractor have?
In the end, only you know how to choose your chiropractor. Just remember this: your care is important. Because of that, don’t feel like you owe the first chiropractor you see. Take your time and interview several recommended, qualified options. You need to find the one who can treat your condition most effectively. If you feel pressured in any way, move on to another chiropractor.
Now that you know how to choose your chiropractor, we’d love to help you reach optimal health. The experienced chiropractors at Atlas Total Health Chiropractic’s 19 convenient locations offer a list of wonderful options for you to choose from. Give us a call at (866) 668-0108  to discuss your care. Or, visit our website to schedule your consultation today!