What Is Text Neck: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

lower back pain sufferer at a desk

In recent years, the number of patients entering our clinic with reported neck pain from looking down at their electronic devices has skyrocketed exponentially. It is common for some of our patients to spend hours looking down at their laptops, cellphones, or tablets, whether for school, work, or entertainment. However, the convenience of electronic usage does not come without a price. Often, long hours spent using an electronic device comes with poor neck posture, leading to “text neck”, which refers to pain in the upper back, shoulder, and neck area stemming from electronic usage and poor posture. Chiropractic treatment is one of the most effective treatments for text neck. Contact (866) 668-0108 today to see what we can do to eliminate your pain.

What is “Text Neck”?

It is thought that around 75% of the U.S. population spends several hours arched over their devices each week, whether for work, school, or personal reasons. When using these electronic devices, it is typical for individuals to shift their heads down to look at them instead of using the technology at eye level. When the neck is consistently overused and stressed by looking downwards, and pain is experienced, this condition is known as tech neck or text neck syndrome. Text neck has been a growing epidemic as mobile devices have taken such a stronghold over societal functioning. A large percentage of teens have reported incidents resulting from tech neck, with neck pain ranked 8th as the most common medical issue reported across their age bracket, higher than many other commonly experienced conditions, such as asthma.

The average head weighs around 10lbs and arching over your center of gravity can cause joint and muscle pain due to the head’s weight. Furthermore, hunching over and forward to look at screens causes the body to bend in unnatural positions, creating further havoc on the body. The human body is not designed to handle this weight for long periods, which may result in damage to the discs and nerves. Common indicators of text neck syndrome include headaches, shoulder pain, and a stiff neck.

Relationship Between Text Neck and Forward Head Position

When your shoulders are slightly hyperextended, and your ears are slightly forward and not in line with your shoulders, this is known as the forward head position. Forward head position causes a limited range of motion and can lead to spinal degeneration. In addition, there is a direct link between neck pain and forward head position, which directly results from text neck syndrome.

How to Prevent Text Neck

Correcting poor posture is the first step to healing text neck. The cervical spine shape can be shifted when held in a misaligned position for too long of a period, significantly when misaligned over time. When this misalignment occurs, pain will be experienced. Consider the following tips to prevent and fix text neck:

  • First, poor posture should be improved. Raise your screen to eye level, allowing you to sit correctly and reestablish the proper shape of the cervical spine.
  • Avoiding excessive use of electronic devices also helps eliminate the possibility of text neck syndrome. If extensive device use is required, take frequent breaks throughout the day, and limit looking at devices for more than a few minutes at a time. It is recommended to keep screen time to around 1-3 hours a day if possible.
  • Exercises for neck support can help promote healing and prevent future injury. Our chiropractors can teach you about neck pain and how to properly perform text neck exercises, such as chin tuck exercises, neck rotations, lateral neck flexion, and more.
  • Attempt to make time to sit up and stand for at least 10 minutes every hour.
  • See a chiropractor. Anyone who spends a lot of time with their head in a downward position should receive chiropractic treatment on a regular basis. Spending a lot of time with your neck in an unnatural position will lead to misalignments in the neck that will need to be corrected in order to avoid future problems and pain.

How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

Chiropractic care can help with headaches, back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain which may be derived from text neck. Chiropractic adjustments will alleviate pain, increase joint mobility, and help you to feel better. Our chiropractors can teach you the proper postural form for sitting or standing and will suggest tools to ensure that you maintain the correct posture wherever you are. Good posture is the key to preventing aches and pains, reducing stress, and building a stronger core. Stretches may be utilized in order to avoid muscle strain and increase blood flow.

Atlas Total Health Chiropractic

When it comes to text neck, chiropractors are by far the most qualified medical professionals to correct this ailment and associated symptoms. As text neck develops from misalignment in the neck vertebrae, it is natural to see a chiropractor with specialized training in this field to ensure the vertebrae in your cervical spine have correct alignment.

The experienced team of professionals at Atlas Total Health Chiropractic can show you exactly which problems you are suffering from and how far any misalignments may have progressed. Next, we will design an individualized care plan to correct the issue, reverse any issues caused by text neck, and restore proper nerve functioning to halt the pain and issues caused by text neck. Chiropractic care is one of the best means of preventative care and wellness. Having your back and neck properly aligned consistently can stop many issues before they arise.

Text Neck is a problem we can correct. Chiropractic care can bring relief from neck pain, restoring mobility and function, and allowing you to live life pain-free. Our team has experienced chiropractors who are ready to help you maintain optimal health and alleviate any pain you may have. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how Atlas Total Health Chiropractic can help improve your health. Call (866) 668-0108 or contact us online to schedule your consultation.
