Your First Choice
For Wellness

The Leading Choice For Chiropractic Wellness

Our chiropractic wellness center team uses a variety of chiropractic treatments and other therapies to get patients feeling their best. Chiropractic adjustments align the spine to relieve pressure on bulging discs and nerves, massage provides relief to aching and tight muscles by releasing trigger points, and our back and core stabilizing exercise program strengthens muscles that are used to hold a correct posture and prevent injury in the low back or hips. Whether you were injured in a traffic collision, have a lingering sports injury, are in pain from a chronic overuse injury caused at work, suffer from migraines, or are troubled by any other condition that causes you pain, discomfort, or immobility, our skilled doctors want to see and help you. 

Pediatric Wellness

Pediatric chiropractic treatment is gaining in popularity. In 2010, there were 68 million pediatric chiropractic visits, according to the American Chiropractic Association. Our chiropractic wellness center doctors are skilled in treating children of all ages.

Pediatric chiropractors may treat a variety of conditions and concerns in children, including:

  • Colic and digestive issues
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Ear infections
  • Physical developmental delays
  • Musculoskeletal issues
  • Immune function

Our pediatric chiropractors may incorporate tools such as handheld instruments or specialized adjusting tables to ensure safe and comfortable adjustments. Our pediatric chiropractors often work closely with other healthcare providers, including pediatricians, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, to provide comprehensive care for young patients.

Prenatal Adjustments

Being pregnant is tough on the body, even for exceptionally fit women. Because of factors like postural adaptations made during pregnancy, related changes in the pelvic floor, and an increased curve in the back due to a protruding abdomen, pregnancy can cause serious joint and back pain! Chiropractic treatment can make pregnancy much more pleasant and also reduce the risk of long-term injuries and stiffness. According to the American Pregnancy Association, some of the chiropractic benefits for pregnancy include the following:

  • Pain relief in the neck, back, hips, and other joints
  • Helps with release of naturally occuring pregnancy hormone relaxin
  • Headache relief
  • Reduced delivery and labor time
  • Reduced risk of preeclampsia
  • Reduce chances of cesarean delivery

At Atlas Total Health Chiropractic, our success is measured not just by the treatments we provide but by the quality of life of each patient – one adjustment at a time.