How a Chiropractor Can Help You With a Spinal Injury?

At Atlas Total Health Chiropractic, we take care of your spine and your health so you can live in wellness and not in illness. If you have a spine injury as the result of an auto accident, workplace accident, or sports injury, let us treat your spine using natural methods, not medication.

Types of Spine Injuries We Treat

We treat many common spine injuries, including:
  • Whiplash
  • Spine Subluxation
  • Bulging Disc
  • Herniated disc
  • Slipped Disc
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
If you received a diagnosis of a spine condition from a medical doctor, or if you have spine pain and want to treat it conservatively, our chiropractor may be able to help you. The first step is a free consultation where we examine you, find out what is contributing to your spine injury, and begin treatment without the use of medication. Causes of spine injuries vary. Accidents often cause spine injuries, but poor posture and ergonomics can cause an injury to develop over time. The natural aging process can cause degenerative disc disease and other conditions, while improper lifting technique can cause a slipped or herniated disc in your spine.

How Our Chiropractor Treats Spine Injuries

With any spine or disc problem, we begin with a thorough evaluation of the symptoms to determine the true cause of your pain. We may ask you to walk or move, so we can check your posture, range of motion, and biomechanics. If we feel it is necessary, we may take x-rays to get a fuller picture of your injuries. Many spine injuries are successfully treated through chiropractic adjustments that relieve the impingements of the spine. By taking pressure off your spine, we will reduce your inflammation and pain. If compression plays a role in your injuries, as it does with slipped discs, we may use a traction table to elongate the spine. This table creates a vacuum that reverses slipped discs without the use of medication. New patients at our 19 chiropractic clinics always receive a $29 consultation, exam, and one set of x-rays. To reserve yours, make an appointment on the Atlas Total Health Chiropractic website.