Chiropractic Treatment for the Holidays

The holidays are an excellent time to spend quality time with loved ones, whether they are family or friends. However, if you suffer from frequent headaches or neck pain due to the stress brought on by the holidays, it may be tough to truly enjoy yourself during this time of year. At Atlas Total Health Chiropractic, we offer skilled chiropractic treatments that help naturally cure headaches and neck strain.

Because of all the rush and bustle over the holidays, some people need to catch up on their self-care practices. For various reasons, the holiday season may be particularly taxing on our bodies. Aches and pains may worsen, stress levels may rise, and injuries may occur. Therefore, during the holidays, chiropractic care might be beneficial.

Your body is stressed by traveling during the holidays when you may be visiting family and friends. According to one study, sitting for long periods can harm your lumbar discs. So, when you’re on the road, try to keep a straight spine, and if pain persists, consider chiropractic care.

It can be painful to carry all those packages: You physically carry more items throughout the holidays than you do throughout the rest of the year. Pain in your neck, back, and shoulders might result from carrying heavy bags on shopping trips, lifting boxes of holiday decorations, or carrying heavy objects. In order to relieve pain from strain, consult your chiropractor.

The Heightened Danger of Harm

Do you need to climb a ladder to install those lights in your home? During a trip, are you rushing out the door in the morning while the driveway is coated in ice? Take extra precautions during the holidays as there is an increased chance of harm. If you do sustain an injury, get evaluated by a chiropractor.

We all experience strain and stress over the holidays. It’s nearly impossible to avoid all the events, family get-togethers, and daily obligations to attend. As a result, most people frequently experience tension and stress in their shoulders and neck. A chiropractor may treat this pain.

Schedules impede self-care: Keeping up with your regular schedule can be challenging with all the holiday events. However, adhering to your schedule is critical if you’ve been visiting a chiropractor for pain management or physical rehabilitation to prevent the pain from worsening or regressing.

Your Joints and the Cold

If you have arthritis, you are aware that the cold can make your pain worse. Arthritis pain can be reduced with chiropractic care.

Increased Work Hours

If you take on additional shifts at work that require you to stand for longer periods of time than usual, you may start to experience aches and pains. Visit a chiropractor for assistance.

Digestive Problems

People are more inclined to alter their dietary habits during the holidays. Digestion issues may result from this, some of which can be resolved with chiropractic treatment.

Winter Depression

Lower moods can be caused by less sunlight and more stress. Atlas Total Health Chiropractic provides treatments, which has been demonstrated to release endorphins, the body’s “feel good” chemical. Take some time to unwind. Atlas Total Health Chiropractic offers a number of therapies that help with both pain relief and relaxation.

What Kind of Effects Can Stress Have on the Body?

The hectic pace of the holiday season leaves you feeling run down, exhausted, and just freaked out. When your body is subjected to an abnormally high amount of stress, it can cause the muscles in your face, neck, and shoulders to become tight and tense. This pressure on your spinal cord and the muscles surrounding it can cause you to suffer from persistent headaches and neck strain, both of which can get in the way of your day-to-day existence. In addition, insomnia, melancholy, and exhaustion are all symptoms that can be brought on by stress, and each of these conditions can worsen your suffering.

How Exactly Does Chiropractic Care Relieve Stress Caused by the Holidays?

Misalignments in the spinal cord often cause many occurrences of neck strain or chronic headaches. These misalignments can irritate the nerves and muscles that are located in the area around the spinal cord. Your chiropractor at Atlas Total Health Chiropractic has undergone extensive specialized training to diagnose and treat issues associated with the spinal cord effectively. Through a series of careful adjustments, they can address spinal misalignments that may irritate your nerves or muscles. As a result, you will feel less pain or discomfort due to headaches and neck strain.

What Are Some of the Special Advantages That Chiropractic Care Offers?

The chiropractic practice has several distinct advantages, all of which contribute to an improvement in a patient’s general health and sense of well-being. Standard therapies for problems such as headaches and neck strain, such as over-the-counter pain medicines, may not address the underlying source of your suffering. This can be frustrating because these conditions can severely limit your quality of life. These remedies offer little to truly eliminate the cause of your headaches or neck strain because they only treat the symptoms that you are experiencing. Chiropractic care aims to zero in on the source of your discomfort and encourage the body’s natural ability to heal itself from the inside out.

Make a Medical Appointment So That You Can Get Headaches Treated

At Atlas Total Health Chiropractic, you can find relief from the effects of the holiday stress with the help of our experienced chiropractic treatments. Do not hesitate to visit Atlas Total Health Chiropractic if you think you might need chiropractic therapy for any reason. Your health and well-being can be restored with chiropractic care. If you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, headaches, or stress, contact Atlas Total Health Chiropractic by calling (866) 668-0108 or contacting us online to schedule your consultation. Discover what we can do for you to assist you with feeling better and restore you to optimal health.