Why Wait? Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain Can Help Today

neck pain
Why do people get chiropractic care for neck pain so often? Because neck injuries can hurt like mad. In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons to seek chiropractic treatment. Atlas Total Health Chiropractic’s well-trained staff can help you with pain management and recovery from neck injuries. But what kind of neck injury does chiropractic help treat?

3 Types of Injury Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain Can Help

Keep reading to learn about the most common neck injuries. And find out what Atlas Total Health Chiropractic can do for you.

1. Herniated Discs

Spinal discs keep your vertebrae from rubbing together. Discs rest between each vertebra and allow for movement and bending. Both “slipped disc” and “herniated disc” are terms used when these discs slip out of place and cause extreme pain in the area. Herniated discs can occur through injuries or age-related wear and tear. If your chiropractor determines that your herniated disc can be treated without surgery, they will do manual therapy, such as spinal adjustment, to help manage your pain and set your discs back in place.

2. Pinched Nerves

Pinched nerves often go along with herniated discs. When discs slip out of place, the nerves in the neck may be irritated or compressed. This can cause pain in the neck and other parts of the body depending on how affected the nerve is. If left untreated, pinched nerves can eventually lead to numbness and tingling sensations, which can be just as uncomfortable. Like with herniated discs, chiropractic care for neck pain due to pinched nerves uses several techniques. The goal is to reduce pinched nerve pressure and relieve pain.

3. Whiplash

This is a common auto accident or workplace neck injury. Whiplash occurs when the neck is suddenly and violently jerked back and forth. This stress can put a lot of pressure on and overstretch your neck ligaments and muscles. Side effects of whiplash are usually tenderness, neck pain, and limited range of motion. Whiplash sufferers often seek chiropractic care to help with regaining motion and reducing neck stiffness following whiplash.
Getting chiropractic care for neck pain in a timely manner is important to prevent permanent issues. Call Atlas Total Health Chiropractic today at (866) 668-0108 if you want a natural, drug-free treatment plan for your neck injury. We can help restore you to full health following a neck injury with 19 locations to choose from.