Can Chiropractic Help Relieve Allergies? 

a happy woman stretching and smiling
Spring is here. The weather is warmer, new growth is everywhere, and days are starting to get longer. That sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, many people get runny noses just from hearing the word “spring.” Allergies are a painful part of warmer weather for millions. Can chiropractic help relieve allergies and help control runny noses, itchy eyes, and sneezing? First, we need to know what allergies are in general. A functioning immune system does two things: recognize harmful substances, and remove the threat. Inflammation, sneezing, cough­ing, and runny noses come as a result. Even if a substance is harmless for most people, it can cause an allergic response. In that case, your allergies don’t come from “pollen” (or lactose, or gluten … etc.) – they come from your body’s interpretation of that substance. Your immune system treats it like a threat.

Yes! Chiropractic Can Help Relieve Allergies and Here’s Why

The benefits of chiropractic care on the human nervous system have been detailed in many places. It comes as no surprise that time after time, chiropractic patients notice relief of their allergies with regular treatment. Can chiropractic help relieve allergies, then? The answer would seem to be yes. Here’s why.  Misaligned or less functional vertebral movements can irritate the spine, causing a focused irritation. This sends an abnormal signal to your central nervous system. When your system receives this faulty signal from the same pathway that normal messages would be sent along, your body interprets the information as a threat, and tries to eradicate the “threat”. Two things are important to remember. 1. Scientific research has shown that chiropractic adjustments don’t relieve symptoms in all allergy sufferers. 2. Chiropractic definitely relieves allergies in some patients.So … yes, chiropractic might relieve allergies! And it’s worth a shot. If it doesn’t work, at least you’ll know you made an informed choice. Anecdotally speaking, our patients tell us time after time that they notice their allergies diminish and relief of symptoms after an adjustment. When the body is in harmony, it puts many things right that can’t be pinned down by a double-blind study. If you’re an allergy sufferer, consider chiropractic care at Atlas Total Health Chiropractic. You just may be glad you did.