Your First Choice
For Headache Treatment

Chiropractor for Headaches

Chiropractic treatment can and often does eliminate chronic headaches and migraines. Whether you suffer from mild, moderate, or severe migraines, our experienced chiropractors treat headaches to reduce your symptoms. We provide neck and spine alignment adjustments to provide long-term relief so that you can get back to living life the way you need to.

At Atlas Total Health Chiropractic, our success is measured not just by the treatments we provide but by the quality of life of each patient – one adjustment at a time.

    While the specific mechanism of migraines is still unclear, most experts believe that migraines are caused by an abnormality within the brain. Simply put, due to neural pathways activation and the release of certain chemicals, normal blood flow to the brain and surrounding tissues is altered, leading to migraine symptoms such as a throbbing headache and nausea, according to MedlinePlus.

    • Throbbing headache 

    • Sound sensitivity 

    • Tingling down the side of the face 

    • Light sensitivity 

    • Nausea Pain on one side of the head 

    • Blurred vision

    • Vomiting.

    People who are genetically predisposed to migraines typically have certain triggers that they know bring on migraine headaches or increase the frequency of migraines. These may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Hormone changes, such as menstrual cycle or birth control medication
    • Going off of caffeine
    • Exercise
    • Alcohol
    • Not getting enough sleep
    • Changing a sleep pattern
    • Missing a meal
    • Loud noises
    • Bright lights
    • Certain types of food, such as chocolate, MSG, peanuts, figs, smoked meat, other meats that have nitrates, onions, and dairy
    • Certain smells, including perfumes
    • Exposure to cigarette smoke
    • Other physical stresses
    • Stress or anxiety

    By realigning the vertebrae within the spine as chiropractic treatment for headaches and migraines, migraine headaches can be significantly reduced in severity and, particularly, frequency. An aligned spine and neck allow the nerves that have been under pressure to calm down, which in turn promotes full body healing and better functioning. Hormone function returns to normal with the level of serotonin, a chemical that may reduce the frequency of migraines, to increase. In addition, we seek to educate our clients about triggers to avoid and other chiropractic treatments for headaches and life changes they can employ to reduce their migraine attacks.