Is Massage For Everyone? When You Should Get A Partial Massage?

To build on our last article, this week we’re going to talk about when you should get a partial massage. This is especially for those who can’t get a whole-body session – but have no reason to avoid massage completely. Read on to learn some of the times when you should get a partial massage.

5 Times When You Should Get a Partial Massage

The first thing to remember is that massage is safe – in most cases. But certain situations call for your therapist to modify the massage. Sometimes, it’s just better to avoid having specific areas of your body massaged. Here’s when you should get a partial massage:

1. When You Have a Rash (In Some Cases)

Rashes don’t always mean you should avoid massage. Some, like eczema or psoriasis, range from mild to highly irritable. Here’s a good guideline: avoid having a massage in an area where your skin is broken or hurts. If your condition isn’t contagious, and if it doesn’t hurt, it may be okay to have it massaged. However, if your rash is contagious, massage in that area is an absolute no-go. Talk to your therapist if you’re uncertain about massage near any rash. They’ll use their best judgment.

2. When You Have An Infection or Inflammation

Infection determines when you should get a partial massage. Any time you’re infected, the area should not be touched. Make your therapist aware of any areas to avoid before your massage starts. Here are some local infections that prohibit massage:
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Nail fungus
  • Inflamed cuts or sores
If you have an internal infection, like fever or a virus, please stay home and rest. You can look forward to your next massage when you’re well again.

3. Right After an Injury

Any time you’re injured, you may be tempted to get a massage right away. It seems to make sense. But does it really? Actually, most injuries should not get massaged for at least 72 hours. For instance, your pulled back muscle might hurt now – but it’ll hurt worse if you mess with it too soon. Any acute injury rules out massage in that area. Wait for several days, then give us a call to discuss your therapy options.

4. After Recent Vaccinations or Immunizations

Any time you get a vaccine (including booster shots) or immunization, you should avoid massage in the area around the injection site. Here’s why:
  • Massage may make the virus move through your system more quickly, elevating the chance that you’ll get sick
  • A good number of vaccines can actually spread the virus to people around you, possibly making them sick if they’re unvaccinated
In addition, some of our clients need to avoid potential sources of contagion. For instance, patients with cystic fibrosis and immune disorders need clean environments. It would benefit them (and your therapist) for you to wait for a reasonable number of days before scheduling the next massage after your injection.

5. During (and Right After) Pregnancy

Finally, prenatal and postpartum massage therapy must be done by a qualified professional in order to be safe. But, many day spas will happily assign you a massage therapist with zero training in these potentially risky types of massage. For that reason, that may be a time frame when you should get a partial massage. Don’t allow just anyone to massage you – ask specific questions to verify their training in prenatal and/or postnatal massage.
We’re happy to offer massage at our St. Elmo and Highway 58 Atlas Total Health Chiropractic locations! Schedule your next appointment today to benefit from both chiropractic care and massage therapy. Part 1 of this series, “Is Massage for Everyone?” discusses when you should not get a massage – at all. Click here to read it if you haven’t already!